Monday, September 28, 2009

Wash Out!!!

The Region Race in GA was a total wash! I have posted the pictures of the 12th points race. There are not that many seeing as we only ran Heat Races due to the rain. This weekend is Nashville and hopefully the rain will hold off. Congratulations to all the 2009 Track Champions

Jr Honda - Jaxon Bishop
Sr Honda - Rylee Loveday
Heavy Honda - Zack "Boo Boo" Caldwell
Lt 160 - Will Brown
Heavy 160 - Zack "Boo Boo" Caldwell
1/2 - Trey Richardson
WF - Will Brown

Way to go guys!!!

Tyler Ryan had the best flip I think I have ever seen. Tyler hit the wall flipped over and landed back on his tires and never missed a beat he kept going. He even through his hand up to let everyone know he was ok. He ended up getting a DOT (even thouh he never went dead on the track)called on him because
the flagman through the RED flag.

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